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Here are the eligibility requirements to successfully join our team: . . .
All interested applicants must:
- Be bilingual
- Be enthusiastic, personable and energetic
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have their own a car or another reliable means of transportation
Applicants for retrieval positions must:
- Hold a current First Aid/CPR certification
- Strong swimming proficiency
All applicants except Customer Service must:
- Hold a current First Aid/CPR certification
What would it be like to work at Canada’s highest bungee jumping site? . . .
Working at Great Canadian Bungee is truly an experience of a lifetime. Not only will you be helping people through one of the most exhilarating and challenging experiences of their lives, but you will be joining a team that fuses professionalism and fun together in a way seen in few other careers.
You will get to work daily in a highly thrilling outdoors environment while constantly learning new skills that can serve you within the company, the bungee industry and other potential future fields.
What are the possible work positions at Great Canadian Bungee? . . .
- Customer Service (greeting, registering, weighing participants, taking reservations)
- Retrieval (retrieving bungee jumpers and zipliners in a zodiac boat)
- Harnesser/ Scheduler (briefing and harnessing jumpers and zipliners)
- Zipline Assistant (graduated position only. Attaching and double checking zipliners)
- Zipline Master (graduated position only. Attaching and supervising zipliners)
- Bungee Jump Assistant (graduated position only. Attaching and double-checking jumpers)
- Bungee Jump Master (graduated position only. Attaching and supervising jumpers)
- Zipline Operations Supervisor & Team Lead (Salaried Position)
How will I be trained? Is there a possibility for advancement into graduated positions such as Jump Master? . . .
For most of the jobs on the site, Great Canadian Bungee uses a module-based system to train all crew members. Entry level crew members will immediately be entered into this module program. It is a graduated training program that combines on the job training with light practical and written testing to graduate to different positions. The Customer service role is crew positions where simple on the job training will be provided.
What are the hours like and how long does the season run? . . .
The season at Great Canadian Bungee is scheduled to run from May 1st until November 14th. Jumping activities are scheduled 7 days a week during this time period. The number of hours that you will work each day of the week fluctuates based on the demand for jump reservations. Traditionally the season looks similar to this:
- April: 20 to 30 hrs per week from opening date
- May: 20 to 30 hrs per week
- June: 20 to 30 hrs per week
- July: 25 to 40 hrs per week
- August: 30 to 40 hrs per week
- September: 20 to 30 hrs per week
- October: 20 to 30 hrs per week
- November: 20 to 30 hrs per week to closing date
How much could I get paid? Would I get to jump for free? What other benefits could I get? . . .
Entry level positions start at $15.50/hour with possibility for advancement. Raises and advancements are achievable based on the motivation of the applicant to graduate through non-paid module system training and advancing through the program. Bonuses are given for module completion.
All crew members get to jump for free. Opportunities for crew members to jump are by request on specified days, staff jump days and occasionally at the end of work days when time allows.